Your Company Needs

Most of you have probably click through from our newsletter that we publish weekly. In that newsletter and even here at our blog we try not to do a lot of self promotion. After all, we are the Sokolis not Trump. We usually let our work do the talking for us. Please take a look at past blogs.

This blog is directed at your company and is totally self promoting from Sokolis. Read on, does your company need or have:

  • Fuel Expert on staff
  • Wants to save money to lower operating costs
  • Needs advise on what fuel card to use, where to buy your fuel
  • Fuel audits and your fuel costs and helps you with budgeting
  • Negotiates fuel deals, reviews how well your deals are compared to others
  • We will save you money and more importantly look out for your companies best interest

We understand that these are difficult economic times, that is why we want to help. We always save companies 2-6 times more than they spend with us. Additionally, we provide customized reports, keep you informed of the fuel industry, fight for credit, fuel discounts, fuel rebates for you. Don’t believe us, believe them

Drop me an email at Tell me what questions or concerns you might have and we will do our best to help.

The Sokolis is a Fuel Management & Fuel Consulting company. We are experts in helping companies reduce their fuel costs. We achieve our results through our knowledge, contacts and leadership in the fuel industry. We can be reached at or (267) 482-6155.

If you don’t think you need us, think again? Some of the largest well known companies have used us to manage their fuel program or to at least have us check their program and give it a fine tuning.
