Winter Fueling Quality Program

Sokolis is committed to making sure all of your fleet fueling, mobile fueling or any fueling companies that you use are giving you the highest fuel quality possible, year round. We always want to make sure you are paying a fair rate on your diesel fuel prices but without quality diesel fuel your fuel savings will go away. That’s why we believe in the use of premium diesel fuel additives to further enhance the performance of your vehicles, especially in the coldest temperatures.

We talk with the majority of your fuel companies suppliers on what winter diesel fuel additives they are going to use in what we call the cold states. Most of the fleet fueling or mobile fueling vendors are very good, but when you purchase fuel over the road at a retail station or some truck stop, it is difficult to monitor who the supplier was and if the fuel was properly treated. Water is the enemy in the winter time. We strongly recommend to all of our customers for their fuel managment and fleet management the following preventive maintenance:

  • Drain bottom of your fuel tanks for water
  • Change fuel filters before winter starts with the right size filters
  • Drain water from your water-fuel separator everyday
  • Wrap unprotected fuel line with non-flammable thermal barrier material

Through our years in the industry we believe, and our clients have relied upon, Innospec’s Products for all diesel fuel additives. We recommend to all of our clients with operations North of Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Utah to start to treat their fleet with WinerFlow diesel fuel additves around November 1 to November 15 depending how far north their fleet operates. This particular product provides a superior dual stage moisture control system. In other words, it:

  • Includes water dispersant to help safely remove moisture on a gradual basis.
  • Protects against conditions that promote microbial contamination.
  • Reduces sludge formation that plugs fuel filters and causes deposits, smoke, and damage to fuel injectors.
  • Lowers the Cold-Filter Plugging Point as much as 30 degrees F.
  • Lowers Pour Point by 40 degrees F.
  • Disperses wax during extended engine shut-downs in cold conditions.

There are other diesel fuel additives companies that are out there, that we are happy to work with but we have always had the best success with Winterflow diesel fuel additives. It might make your diesel fuel prices slightly higher tenths of a cent but you can rest assure that as a fleet manager your fleet fueling is going to be fine during the winter. We have arranged a deal with Innospec for them to provide our clients and vendors of our clients with any Innospec diesel fuel additives for winter or summer or all year usage at a discounted rate off of retail.

Please call our office or your Account Manager for additional support on your winter fuel management program. We will also place the order for you to ensure all parts of your fleet management for winter is taken care of. So whether you are mobile fueling, using your fuel card, fleet fueling, fleet cards know that Sokolis is here to help you with your fuel saving by helping lower your diesel fuel prices, better diesel fuel additives, improve your fleet management solutions by watching out for you.

Let’s hope for the best but plan for the worst.

If you never thought about it and now you need fuel management help in mobile fueling, diesel fuel prices, fuel cards, fleet cards, fleet fueling, fuel savings, fuel management system, fleet fuel card, fuel companies, fleet cards, fleet management give us a call. 267-482-6155
