What’s Going On??

What’s going on? That’s a pretty broad question. A lot is going on would be a pretty simple answer. If you’re talking about the economy, well the unemployment rate took a small dip from 10 percent to 9.7 percent. That’s the lowest rate since August 2009. If you’re talking about the trucking industry, for-hire trucking companies added 2,500 workers in January 2010. How about weather? If you’re in the Mid-Atlantic region you got hit with blizzard type snow twice in one week. Some areas got up to 3 feet of snow, had power knocked out, and had to stay at local shelters. 230,000 federal workers in Washington D.C. were out of work for days.

All of these things affect people across the country. The storm alone affected millions of people. People trying to travel, go to work, doing things that occur daily that we take for granted. Things that we take advantage of sometimes take advantage of us. How about fuel? If you’re like my mom you don’t even compare prices. You need gas, and there is a station right by the house so you get gas there. Well I can tell you that the station she uses has one of the highest margins in the area. Meaning she’s paying on average 10-15 cents a gallon more than the one down the street. This happens all the time and it’s why we’re in business. So you don’t get taken advantage of. If your company or fleet buys a lot of fuel, the deficit to your bottom line can be devastating.

Contact the Sokolis, and myself or one my co-workers would be happy to help you. We’ll take a look at your fuel purchases and see how much money we can save you. Call today at 267-482-6155 or myself at 267-482-6159.
