“Time Is Money” for Energy

Given the recent economic turmoil and fragile recovery, the old adage “time is money” has never been more relevant. In the context of the energy business, time is directly related to the rate of change. And, more importantly, an organization’s ability to either proactively address that change or risk competitive disadvantage through delayed reaction. As it relates to customers served by Sokolis, the rate of change continues to accelerate. We are seeing greater fuel price volatility, stricter environmental regulations, and increase in fleet fuel price changes year-over-year. So the question I encourage you to ask is whether your business, at a minimum, is prepared to adequately comply with the changing rules, rates and laws within the mandated timeframes, and then, to what degree is your business better instrumented to capitalize on change compared to peers.

At Sokolis, we strive every day to ensure our customers are being charged the correct rate, taxes and environmental regulations and capitalize on price changes by optimizing their fuel supply chain. Sokolis will put discount fuel deals in place with your fleet fuel vendors to help save on your fuel management program. We’re firm believers that the ability to accept change and harness it to your benefit can separate you from your competitors. So start your New Year off right with Sokolis on your team and let us help you save in 2010. For more information on how Sokolis and you can team up together, link to www.sokolisgroup.com. Contact us today for more information. Your 2010 fleet fuel budget will like you for it
