The Role of GPS in Fleet Management Tracking

Fleet Management TrackingGPS is a fact of life when it comes to a lot of modern technology. It’s in our cars, our cellphones. We even use it to help find lost pets.

But when it comes to fleet management, there are still some concerns about the role GPS tracking plays. GPS Insight recently looked at some of the biggest fears about GPS for fleets, and argued against them. 

Fear: It will make our employees feel like we’re spying on them, or we don’t trust them.

This is part of what GPS Insight calls “employee pushback”:

“The ‘Big Brother’ theory often gets thrown around in reference to GPS tracking, as well as concerns from employees who think GPS tracking invades their privacy or believe it to be a sign of distrust from management. A lot of fleet managers have close relationships with their drivers and may not feel it is necessary.”

Their counter-argument: The only goal is to measure driver performance, just as all companies do. If employees are performing their jobs the way they’re supposed to be, they’ll be happy to have their performance recognized.

Fear: We can’t afford to implement it.

This is a pretty common concern for any new technology. But GPS Insight argues that fleet managers should think of GPS tracking as a long-term investment that can cut down on costs and bring in revenue, rather than as a short-term expense. 

“Quality GPS tracking software is known to deliver ROI almost immediately and has the ability to deliver over 100% ROI within the first year with proper usage.”

Fear: It will be too tough to implement.

It’s hard being the person to institute change. If something goes wrong, it’s your neck in the noose, so to speak.

The counter-argument: Even if you know where your drivers are, GPS can give you a better idea of what they’re doing. How much time are they spending at each site? Are they idling? Are they speeding?

“If you think GPS tracking is too difficult, consider how much more of a hassle it will be if something preventable happens, GPS Insight writes. “By monitoring driver behavior, you will be able to improve safety by preventing driver fatalities and eliminating expensive accidents.”

Fear: Data overload

 Fleet managers worry about “big data,” or having a lot of data about their fleet, but not knowing how to turn it into useful intelligence.

“The real problem is not that there is too much data; it’s that the data is not being filtered in a way that makes the most sense,” GPS Insight argues.

With GPS tracking, fleets can sort and filter data so that everyone in the organization can see what they need to see. It can also keep historic data about your fleet in case one of your vehicles is ever involved in a legal matter.

Fear: We don’t have the time or expertise

A concern for some fleets is that their managers don’t have the time to take their trucks out of service to make them GPS ready, or to get employees trained to learn and use the new software.

The GPS Insight counterargument?  “One of the benefits of using GPS tracking is it will free up more time in the day by eliminating manual processes traditionally associated with fleet management. GPS tracking solutions automate fleet operations so that you can spend your time more productively.”

These are five ways GPS can help your fleet save money and run more smoothly. If you’re looking for more ways to save on your fleet, contact Sokolis.

Since 2003, we’ve helped our clients save more than $500 million on the cost of fuel. By making us your fuel partner, you’ll gain access to decades of expertise from a company that’s only focused on fuel. Whether or not you decide GPS is right for you, Sokolis will help track your costs.

