The Pump

March is here and spring is near. Still no sign of that cold front I referred to last month, but there has definitely been a skyrocketing of fuel prices! As a fleet manager, you have to be worried that diesel fuel prices will reach $5.00 by summer. There are positive signs that the economy is heading in the right direction. It would be a shame if rising gas and diesel pump prices hinder that.

I’m frequently asked if we get more clients with diesel fuel prices being high, low, or somewhere in between. Most of the time I’d say, regardless of fuel prices we’re busy helping our clients with their fuel management, fuel cards, and fleet management solutions. However, nobody likes when the prices go up, and I can say we’ve been extremely busy with that as of late. We like the business of course, but nobody likes taking money out of their pockets. We’d prefer low prices which would be a win for everyone.

For us it doesn’t matter if oil is $115 a barrel or $75 a barrel. There is always room for fuel savings. When fuel is a top 3 expense for your company, it needs to be constantly monitored. It just becomes more of a priority for companies when the cost of fuel is leaping upwards.

For more information on how Sokolis can help you save on your fuel management program please give me a call at 267-482-6159.
