Ten Tips for 2011 On Fleet Management

It’s 2011 and Sokolis is all about helping your fleet fueling program in many ways. I thought we should lend some tips to you fleet managers out there that may be helpful. Here are ten tips for our clients and fueling friends:

  1. Emergency Diesel Fuel Additives
    • It’s winter, and just a few weeks ago 49 states had snow on the ground. Keeping an emergency anti-gel additive in your diesel fuel unit is a good idea. You don’t want that driver on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. Go with a quality diesel fuel additives program. Call us 267 482 6155 we can help.
  2. Test your vehicles quarterly
    • Make sure to check at least quarterly for bacteria in your diesel fuel tanks. Any of your units that sit around for an extended amount of time would be at higher risk for moisture and bacteria building up in your fueling tanks.
  3. Keep PM’s scheduled regularly
    • At certain intervals based on usage and mileage it’s good to check for preventive maintenance. Taking the proper steps to do this could save you a lot of time and money down the road.
  4. Lubricate Pins and Undercarriages
    • Salt from the winter months along with snow can remove the grease. Lubricating fifth wheels and king pins are a smart move in cold and icy weather. Should be a part of all fleet management solutions.
  5. Check tires
    • Check all tires for the correct inflation. With any tire change in weather also changes tire pressure. This could affect your fleet’s miles per gallon and weight distribution. Don’t waste your diesel fuel with underinflated tires, that would be costly and bad fleet management.
  6. Make sure your trust and know your fueling providers
    • Especially in the winter months, you need to know that you’re getting quality winterized diesel fuel. Bad fuel will gel your trucks and cost you money. A quality fleet fueling program is the way to get it done right.
  7. Check Fuel Filters
    • If your fuel filters aren’t checked occasionally they could be letting dirt and other debris into your fueling tank which will ultimately hurt your engine. And costing you fuel savings.
  8. Synthetic Oil
    • Synthetic oil can boost your miles per gallon up to 3% and take pressure and stress off of your starter.
  9. Check Battery
    • Before cold and warm weather seasons. Batteries don’t typically last more than 6 years. If it’s around that time it might be better to just replace it.
  10. Seasonal Fuel
    • Using the right fleet fuel is important. In the winter if no additive is present diesel fuel will gel at below 0 temperatures. In the warm months performance can be damaged with heat and moisture.

With some of these preventive measures you’ll be sure to keep your fleet in check. You insure your fleet; why not ensure your employees with better maintenance
