Storms are Coming and Could Take Fleet Fueling Prices Higher

Hurricanes and tornadoes have been a regular focus on multiple occasions due to the magnitude of damage often produced, but more importantly the lack of preparedness many municipalities and facilities have for these events. Anytime a major storm or natural disaster strikes, you can be sure it will disturb thediesel fuel supply chainand fleet fueling prices will go higher. Increased diesel fuel prices under these types of conditions might be out of your control but often getting fuel supply is in your control. Which can become difficult during difficult situations like major storms?

Like most natural disasters these events usually occur with very little notice and often lead to widespread damage and power outages. These two past months produced another outbreak of severe storms. For just the second time in US history the National Weather Service issued a severe storm notice more than 24 hours in advance.

When discussing natural disaster warnings a 24 hour notice is a very timely notice for individuals, but not enough time to prepare a facility without a competent disaster readiness plan ready to deploy. Do you have a plan of actionor are you prepared for the season that is approaching us? When you are a client ofSokoliswe can help set up a program where you are taken care of first if you have a mobile fuel vendor or get you set up with a fuel vendor head of time for the “just in case” situation. Do not miss out and find yourself unprepared for the upcoming hurricane/tornado season reach out to us.
