Project Earth

The Sokolis is a fuel management and consulting company with a staff of 9 professionals located in Warrington, PA. As a company we work with small and large companies nationally to help them buy, manage, audit and process their fuel better. Over the last year when fuel prices rose, we helped companies reduce their carbon footprint and how much fuel they consumed.

These methods included:

Having them govern the top speed of their trucks
Truck engine shut down when loading and unloading to reduce idle time
Improving driver behavior
Better maintenance on trucks including tire pressure

While helping other companies reduce their carbon footprint, we realized that we didn’t do a very good job ourselves. On Earth Day we kick off “Go Green 2008 and beyond”. Our steps have been:

Energy Star office equipment
Image storage on computer instead of printing
Printing on both sides of the 100% recycled paper when possible
Recycling paper, plastic, and cans in an office park which do not offer such services
Low flow toilets
Computer screen system shut downs
Energy efficient light bulbs, zoned lighting and temperature set at 78 in the summer months, 66 during the winter
Plants in all offices to provide oxygen and take away the carbons from office equipments, inks, and toners
Purchased carbon credits to offset what a typical office creates in carbon for a year at
Electronic invoicing and receiving all of our bills electronically

As a company, we are not sure how it might separate us from our direct competition. In a world were everyone’s business is cross compared to other industries, we feel we out distance ourselves with what we have done and continue to do everyday.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

The Sokolis is a Fuel Management & Fuel Consulting Company that helps its clients reduce fuel cost, better fuel discounts, fuel audits and make sure the customer knows the latest information about the fuel market.

Sokolis can be reached at

or (267) 482-6155
