Powerful Management – Working More Effectively with Staff

  1. Encourage people to cooperate by using the word we – which suggests you will join the effort.
  2. Engage staff members fully in tasks by making sure they understand the difference between the “reason” for doing the task and the “purpose”.
  3. Follow this guideline for communicating with employees. The further apart you are in the hierarchy, the more you should speak with them personally.
  4. Remember how you treat your employees – your internal customers – can affect how they treat your external customers. If your employees are unhappy, they will become poor representatives of your organization
  5. Think “CPR” – continuous positive reinforcement – to keep a team going. Continuous means you delivery CPR every day, Positive Reinforcement is anything that encourages your employees
  6. Follow the brainstorming rule: “We’ll dismiss an idea only if the group can’t think of three ways to make it work
  7. Teach employees that when you reward them for reaching a goal – no matter how ambitious it was – they should immediately set a new one. This will help them see that their success – and the company’s success.
  8. Keep these delegation rules in mind: Delegate, but do not abdicate, dictate or hover. Make sure your supervise results, not the process.

At Sokolis we t try to treat all fuel management team players this way. We know if they feel good, then they will provide better fleet fueling consulting to our valued clients. What does your company do? Share your ideas with us and let us know what works best at your company.
