Plan for Tomorrow

Take some time before you leave for the day to plan out tomorrow!

Look ahead: Start your “to do” list for the next day while your focus is still on the job – it’s far more difficult to do in the morning when you’re wondering where you left-off the day before. Carry over any incomplete tasks from your current day’s list and add new priorities. It helps to clear your head to put all this on paper and you’ll be amazed at how much more effective you can be when your brain power is being put to problem solving rather than trying to remember everything you need to do.

Leave it clean: Clear and tidy your desk, throw rubbish in the bin, sort leftover mail and papers and put your files away. Clean your coffee cup, empty your water bottle, wash any leftover dishes or containers from lunch and start each day afresh. By cleaning your workspace you also signal the end of the workday to your mind.

Shut down: Switch your phone to voice mail, remembering to change your message if you’re not going to be in the next day, or if you’re going to be in late. Close out your email and activate your “out of office” message if you’re going to be away, switch off your computer screen.

Are you one of the few that does this? Please share with us some of the secrets that make your planning for tomorrow go smoothly! Lets learn from each other for a stress free day.
