Low Risks; High Reward$

The National on-highway average price for diesel fuel was $3.069 at the end of April 12th. That’s the highest average since November 2008 and I don’t think any of us will forget what those months were like in 2008. Most reports indicate that prices are only on the rise even into 2011. Diesel will average somewhere around $2.98 this year, and $3.12 in 2011. In 2009 diesel prices averaged $2.46 per gallon!

If you like paying these high prices then just sit back and relax, because you’ll be paying them as far as you can see. However, if your company has fuel as one of its top three costs and you want your company to be successful and survive whatever the oil industry throws at them, you should talk with one of us at Sokolis.

We help companies of all sizes manage their fleet fuel program, but the difference is we treat them all the same. No matter if you have 30 trucks or 300 trucks, if you’re buying diesel fuel you’re going to get the lowest prices possible. We have different methods and we customize for each company/client we have or receive.

If you’re worried about your fleet’s fuel costs or even if you’re just intrigued by the thought of saving money (which is my favorite thing to do) then call myself at 267-482-6159. I’ll be happy to talk with you about your company’s fuel plan.
