It’s The Magic Fleet Fuel Program Ride

Fuel Consulting maybe, Fuel Management you’d better.

Have you watched the cost of crude oil, gas and diesel fuel go for a crazy ride like a roller coaster over the past few weeks?

You haven’t been paying much attention? Then you’re probably paying too much for your fleet fuel. If you don’t know what is going on with your fleet fuel program and the fuel cost associated with it, how can your fuel management program be effective? Is it time to call in a fuel consulting company? Let’s look at the fleet fuel cost for crude over the last 2 weeks.

July 13th $59.60 fleet fuel cost, crude oil
July 17th $63.56 fleet fuel cost, crude oil gained 6.6% in price in 4 days
July 21st $64.81 fleet fuel cost, is your fleet management feeling squeezed?
July 24th $66.96 fleet fuel cost, crude oil gained 5.3% in price in 5 days
July 27th $68.34 fleet fuel cost, your fleet fuel cost or cost to fill up your car might not feel it yet….
Aug. 3rd $71.68 fleet fuel cost, mid day, ok day is not over so it can go higher or lower.
What are you betting on?

In 3 weeks time, your fleet fuel cost for crude oil has gone up 20.2%. Are you worried? Is your fleet fuel program up for the challenge? Why is this happening? Now, that is a great fuel management question. Why?

We have plenty of fuel supply. Record high crude oil supply, gas and diesel fuel you can swim in and an economy that is still broken, isn’t it?

Sokolis thinks it’s great for companies to report profits for their business but does it mean the economy is getting better or not?

This recent push in fuel costs is putting the cart before the horse in our view. You need to have economic demand for fleet fuel before the price raises. The price should not rise because, because, because. There are many reasons to think the economy should go in the right direction since we are sitting on a lot of fuel inventory that will only grow.

Does your fleet fuel program allow you to know how well you are buying fuel? Are you getting fuel discounts, fuel rebates on your fleet fueling card? Do you even use the right fleet fueling card?

How well is your fuel management system run? Does your fleet management company or internal business section manage fleet fuel costs for you?

If you are not sure how your fleet fuel is being handled or what fuel management even is, it’s time to make the leap of faith and call Sokolis.

Our fleet fuel program clients of all sizes will tell you, we are one of the best things they have done to save real diesel fuel dollars. Let our staff of fuel experts help. Sokolis can provide fuel consulting for your company as well as a comprehensive fuel management program.

At the end of the day you will look like a winner and your company will be saving money.

Bottom line, we are in the worst economic slump since the Great Depression.

No time better than now to improve your fleet fuel program, and fleet fuel costs by having a fuel management and fuel consulting company on your side.

Contact: Sokolis at 267-482-6160 or for all of your fuel management and fuel consulting needs. Helping your company with its fleet fuel program.
