God Bless America

As our 44th President of the United States of America is sworn in today, I can’t even imagine what must be going through Barack Obama head. This is only the 44 President in our entire history of the U.S. Think about it for just one moment. Think about the things that have happened in a quick snap shot: several wars and peace keeping missions, electricity, automobiles, stock exchanged was formed, a man to the moon, slavery, computers, indoor plumbing and numerous other events without enough paper to list them all. All under just 44 people who have lead our nation.

Have other Presidents come into power with more problems? I don’t know, I will let historians decide on that but what I will say is the country has over 300 million people today more than any other President has had to govern. We deal in a global economic world, much more extreme than even when JFK was President.

I have become a fan of our new President. The last time I was a fan of a President was Ronald Reagan. He came into office with issues and what people believed to be a lack of experience for the position. Who can have the experience for this position? Who? How would you get it? A textbook? Being the number two person as Vice President? No, I don’t think so, it take a certain special person for this position and to be good at it, a very special person. Reagan had it, Barack Obama has that in my view. Both men had special people skills of communicating. Reagan took our country out of the cold war era, double digit interest rates, high unemployment and now its time for Obama to do it. It will take a little bit of time for him and his Senior Staff to start to make a difference but they will.

Fuel today closed down 4% in light trading today. The March contract for crude oil takes the main contract starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow, wow. Most of us will wake up and do things very similar to what we have done for a long time. Wake up and your last name is Obama and your first name is Barack, it’s a whole new story. The market closed under 8,000 today.

We turn a page in history today and see a whole new future. Only in America.

God Bless America!!

The Sokolis will help reduce your fuel related expenses through our management and consulting services.

Sokolis can be reached at (267) 482-6155 or www.sokolisgroup.com for fuel management and consulting.
