Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving

Once a year we pause in our busy lives to take notice of and show our appreciation for the everyday heroes who move our freight, the 3.4 million professional truck drivers who deliver the goods. Everyone knows how important trucks are to our daily lives and to our nation’s economy. If you carry it or push it, live in it, lay on it, or look at it on your wall; if you throw it or catch it or feed it to your dog; if it mows your grass, entertains your family, tells you stories or mops your floor — a truck brought it.

And each of those trucks, making deliveries large and small to factory, home or mall, has a driver. A driver piloted that big truck across mountains and plains, nursed it along in mysterious freeway backups and wrestled it through city congestion that turns lesser people into babbling fools.

With these drivers working on highways that are more and more crowded, more and more outdated and inadequate in so many ways, the downward trend in fatal accidents “is a testament to the skills and commitment to safety demonstrated by our nation’s professional truck drivers.”

Sokolis wanted to share our Thanks to those drivers out there doing what they do best!

More information about Sokolis please contact us at 267-482-6155 or
