Fuel Management? How about Carbon Management!

Is Cap and Trade good?

Are you asking yourself what is Cap and Trade? To put it as simply as I possibly can, it’s a tax that will be put onto companies that use more carbon then they should. Is this good for fuel companies? Is this good for the price of diesel fuel or gas or anything?

Let’s take a closer look. We all know that the World is in a very difficult economic environment right now. We also know that over many years we have not been as environmentally concerned as we should, especially when it comes to carbon. The carbon tax will affect all of us because the money spent by oil companies, coal companies, trucking companies or anyone else will be passed onto the consumer, right?

I think we need a cap and trade policy. I don’t think we need it right now when we are struggling to make ends meet with our economy. I would like to see a phase in policy. A solid policy on carbon will be beneficial for the future of the earth but it can not put a huge constraint on the growth of companies.

What are your thoughts?

Sokolis is a fuel management and fuel consulting company that helps companies control their fuel costs. How are you fueling today? We can be reached at www.sokolisgroup.com or 267-482-6160.
