Fleet Fueling Price Climb As Gas Prices Raise 17 Cents

If you thought your fleet fueling was going to get cheaper because the spring weather is approaching, check again. Gas prices increased 17 cents last week alone. The national fueling cost for gas is $3.33 a gallon. Most don’t believe the worst is over. It might be time to pull out a pen and paper as a fleet manger and start redoing the old fueling budget for 2011.

This appears to be a very difficult year for a fleet managers and their fuel management budget. I would believe they every fleet manager is looking for some relief or a fuel managemet system to lower fleet fueling costs.

Due out Monday afternoon will be the DOE weekly diesel fuel prices. Most fuel companies predict diesel fuel prices will continue to climb over the next several weeks. The best most fleet management can do at this point is seek shelter. Protect their fleet companies buying process by reviewing current fleet fueling programs.

Yes, as a fuel management company we are going to tell you to review your fueling programs. Most fleet companies programs that we review have major issues and can be correct with the proper fuel management staff, fuel savings fresh ideas, discount fuel card programs and fleet cards that offer controls.

Gas prices up 17 cents for one week. Any guess how much diesel fuel prices will be up for the same one week?
