Fleet Fueling Policies For Lower Diesel Fuel Prices

A carefully laid plan will bring success to just about anything you do. With diesel fuel costs as high and unstable as they have been it’s crucial that you have a fleet fueling plan. There are several “wins” in a comprehensive policy like lower diesel fuel prices. Of course the overall goal is to lower the total cost of fleet fueling. For everyone, putting together a program will take a lot of time and planning. Some fleet companies don’t have people with this kind of time or experience when it comes to fuel management systems.

Where do you start? What do you do first? Here is a high-level review by Sokolis for you to implement and take action.

Fleet Fueling Information is key. If you don’t have it, get it. To put any solid program in place you will need information daily, weekly and monthly to make critical money-saving decisions for your company. Someone in your company, or a fuel management company like Sokolis, needs to know this information inside and out, along with the ability to identify and question any information that doesn’t look correct.

Make the policy clear. If your people don’t understand the policy, how can you expect them to follow it properly. When fleet fueling policies aren’t followed no one wins except maybe your fuel companies, mobile fueling supplier or fuel card.

Find the lowest priced locations. Pennies mean dollars and those dollars turn into hundreds of dollars quickly. Find the locations that have the best diesel fuel prices. Negotiate if needed. You need to make sure that you protect your company and get the right deals for fleet cards, fuel cards, mobile fueling, fuel management inventory, fleet credit card services and anything around your fleet fueling program so you get fuel savings.

Enforce the policy. Successful policies are those that are followed. Unfortunately, in almost all programs, people have their own view on how it should work. You have laid the fuel management plan, now make sure it is followed.

Allow no exceptions. Follow the plan. If your plan dictates that a driver isn’t allowed to utilize a certain fleet fueling stop but uses it anyway hold that driver accountable.

Go Green….what? Document your fleet fueling reduction. A decrease in fuel usage has an increased positive effect on the environment and shows your fuel management system is working.

Set goals and motivate your people. There is nothing wrong with providing your drivers with some kind of reward for following the fuel management policy. If the policy is set up correctly the money you save on diesel fuel prices, fuel card – fleet card transaction fees, better data for fuel analysis will be more than five-fold from what you provide to your drivers.

Communicate, communicate, communicate. Get the message out early and often. There are so many programs that are rolled out and never followed up on. This cannot happen with your fuel management system. It is too big an expense for your fleet companies business. Your ability to communicate this factor can mean your company’s success or failure. There are many means to get the word out. Use your pay stubs, banners, business cards, newsletters and staff meetings. Row in the same direction. Sokolis can help with your fuel management plan, lowering your diesel fuel prices, fuel card selection, diesel fuel additives, mobile fueling service, fleet cards, fuel analysis by ourselves or with the help of your fleet managers or fuel manager. We want your company to be successful. If we don’t get your fleet companies business today, we hope we can handle your fleet management tomorrow.

Stay focused, save money on diesel fuel prices and your whole fuel management!
