Does Your Company Have Clear Objectives?

“If you don’t know where you are going any road will do”

For all its familiarity and common sense this maxim is worth reiterating. No one and no organization works well without clear objectives. The responsibility for setting many of them may well be yours.

Objectives will only be clear if they are SMART:

Specific so that they are clearly understood and no misunderstanding is possible.

Measurable so that everyone knows whether they have hit them, or not.

Achievable because if they are simply pie in the sky they will be ignored and you, and any future process of objective setting, will lose credibility.

Realistic in the sense that they must logically fit within the broad picture and be a desirable way of proceeding.

Timed without clear timing they will become meaningless.

The objectives you set must condition and direct what your people do. Make sure everyone has clear goals and they are committed to achieving them. Reach out to us at Sokolis (267-482-6155) and lets work together to set SMART goals for your company’s fuel management program.
