Clean Up Your Fuel Management Program, I Mean Your Desk

When your desk is disorganized and cluttered, it can be difficult to focus on your work. The same holds true for your fleet fueling program. Do you have any fuel deals, do you know what they are? Do yourself a favor and clean it up, your desk that is. Do yourself a bigger favor and hire Sokolis to help you with your fuel management program. It will make sure that you are getting the discounts and deals your company deserves.

When cleaning that old desk again, file away documents you want to archive and trash or recycle documents you no longer need, especially if you have copies saved on your computer. These files could be fleet fuel deals that were offered to you but didn’t have time to put it in place or maybe just got over looked because of the increasing amount of work that gets put on that desk.

As you complete projects, get in the habit of immediately saving or discarding documents. Ask people in our fuel management office, I am good at that sometimes, I throw things away before I am complete. Thank goodness everyone knows to never give me the only copy. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to clean your desk, especially if you spend your lunch breaks there.

For your fuel consulting program, make sure you audit all of your fuel invoices especially if you want to make sure you don’t have theft or your fleet fuel supplier isn’t overcharging you.

Get that desk clean and put extra dollars in your company’s bottom line with our fuel management, Sokolis, 267-482-6155,
