Fuel Management from a Finance Perspective

I recently joined Sokolis group and I’m very excited about the opportunity to work directly with our clients and prospects with their fleet fuel management programs. For the past 25 years, I’ve always been a finance guy in the back-office and enjoyed working with data. My career also included a number of years in the mobile fleet fueling industry. It

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Sandy Update

Supply disruptions from Hurricane Sandy and the Nor’easter continue to cause supply problems along the East Coast. After the Northeast literally ran dry, the Southeast is now experiencing shortages as well. The tight supply is mainly due to the movement of product to resupply the hurricane affected areas in the Northeast, with long hauls and bulk shipments pulling product out

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Traveling- Layovers, Delays, and Fuel Cost

I went on a business trip recently to the annual NPTC (National Private Trucking Council) conference in Cincinnati. It’s a great event for private fleets and surrounding industries. Every year it continues to grow and be very successful. This was my 2nd year attending, and I don’t see why I won’t be there the next few years. It’s a great

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6 Ways Increased Fueling Costs Will Get You

I was reading an article the other day and it talked about increasing fueling cost and what it effects that you don’t even know. I found the article to be very interesting so I thought I would share parts of it with you.

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They’re Back High Diesel Fuel Prices

It wasn’t too long ago that fuel prices were lingering between $3.80 and $4.40 per gallon. At that point many companies took an aggressive stance on fuel conservation. However, for most it was just a flavor of the month. Many companies joined in on the U.S. EPA “SmartWay” bandwagon which is designed to improve fuel efficiencies and reduced the environmental

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Fleet Management, How About A Fuel Card or Mobile Fueling

Fleet cards, fuel cards and mobile fueling have become increasingly popular over the past few years for a vast array of reasons. They quickly and easily fleet companies employees to fueling up quickly or having their fuel savings come from a fuel companies, mobile fueling operation fueling.

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Diesel Fuel Prices Fly High In Fleet Fueling

U.S. retail diesel fuel prices have sold at a premium over gas throughout 2010, and petroleum market watchers said global competition for the fleet companies main fueling likely means that will not change any time soon not matter what mode your buying fuel cards, mobile fueling, fleet cards in your fuel management.

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Diesl Fuel Prices Keep Going Higher Tips To Keep Them Cool In Winter

As diesel fuel prices keep going higher all fleet companies need to take paths to achieve fuel savings. It seems every year the transportation industry faces new perils during the winter months and this year is no different. Currently the weather forecasters are predicting not only one of the coldest, but the snowiest in the last five (5) years. Among

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