How to Set Up a Mobile Fueling Program for Your Fleet
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
Time is money, how many times have we all heard that? We all know it’s true, particularly when it comes to fleet management. The recent changes to the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations have definitely created some challenges for companies that need to maximize their drivers’ productivity.
Every year the transportation industry faces new challenges during the winter months, and this year is no different. Among those challenges, many states have mandated biodiesel blends while many have mandated idling restrictions. To add to that, fleet fuel prices are rising, and weather forecasters are predicting a colder and snowier winter than any in recent memory. And with the
The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General recently released their audit findings regarding the FBI’s fleet fuel procurement program. A number of deficiencies were identified with the FBI’s purchasing controls including not verifying quantities and prices invoiced by their fuel suppliers. You might find it surprising that the FBI didn’t pay close attention to these details but fuel
Time is money, how many times have we all heard that? We all know it’s true, particularly when it comes to fleet management and Hours of Service (HOS) regulations can create challenges for companies that need to maximize their drivers’ productivity.
Look up news stories on the trucking industry, and you’re likely to find a lot of coverage of the nationwide driver shortage. According to the American Trucking Association, the industry had a shortage of 38,000 drivers in 2014, a number that was expected to jump to nearly 48,000 by the end of 2015. The average age of the American truck
Time is money, how many times have we all heard that? We all know it’s true, particularly when it comes to fleet management. The recent changes to the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations have definitely created some challenges for companies that need to maximize their drivers’ productivity.
Mobile Fueling holds a labor cost savings value to customers that choose to use it. In many instances auditing these type of transactions internally in more difficult as the transactions may not process to the card vendor at time of delivery.
The verdict is in and the hours of service law stands up in court. What does that mean for your business? As a Fuelman, I am thinking how will it affect our clients or potential clients? We all know that safety is first and foremost when it comes to this law, but when you run your own business, it really
Look for your fleet fueling prices of diesel fuel prices and gas prices to take a turn down over the next couple of weeks. A lot of action is happening in the oil world. Fuel prices were falling several dollars a barrel already this week which is good news to your fuel management programs. Then what I believe was a
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