Fuel Management

Just when everyone was starting to worry the fuel prices were headed higher we find out that we have a lot of inventory. Fuel prices plunged across the board Wednesday, giving up a week of gains with unexpectedly large U.S. crude reserves suggesting demand for energy has eroded even further.

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Fuel Analyze Can’t Decide

The slide in gas and diesel fuel has slowed down and has actualy started to climb back up recent days amid indicators that the national average could jump to $2 a gallon or higher this spring.

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Fuel Rises On First Real Trading Day of 2009

There is no peace in the Middle East. Conflict between Israeli and Gaza continued for its 7th day. Meanwhile Russian gas monopoly Gazprom has cut off gas shipments to Ukraine since Thursday in a dispute over payments, and Ukraine warned that European customers could see serious natural gas disruptions in about two weeks.

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Fuel Costs To Increase as Taxes Will Raise

A Federal Commission created by Congress to find ways to help build and repair highways and bridges is recommending a 50% increase in gas & diesel fuel taxes. Is this the right thing to do as the economy is in a recession? Can we really afford this as a country? Yes and Yes. I know for some of you that

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Oils Well That Ends Well

As Fuel flows out of the year into a new year, what a crazy year it has been. Fuel costs shooting through the roof then dropping like a brick. (See Graph below of the last 2 years). What will fuel costs bring next year, is anyones guess. The educated side of us, says that it will remain flat throughout the

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Fuel Costs Falling

Prices had jumped as much as 12 percent on Monday after Israel launched its fiercest air offensive in the Hamas-ruled Gaza strip in decades. Hamas sent missiles deep into Israel on Monday, three days into Israel’s punishing air offensive in Gaza. Four Israelis, including a soldier, were killed and eight wounded. Palestinian health officials put the three-day death toll in

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Fuel Prices Raise

With Christmas over those on Wall Street need something to get their week jumped started before the New Year.

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Fuel Raises But Not For Long

Oil prices increased today and low demand after the holiday. Fuel prices will probably go lower next week based on week demand numbers reported by the EIA.

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Fuel Cost

Santa brings $35.35 crude oil prices for Christmas. As oil costs fall for 9 consecutive days. Most oil investors feel that prices will continue to fall into the new year. Lower fuel prices mean a nice Christmas present and a Happy New Year to almost everyone except oil companies.

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Fuel Savings

Many companies are saving money on their fuel cost not only the fuels have come down but they have taken action to improve fuel saving.

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