Chrysler Has Fallen Down, Can It Get Back Up?

Chrysler heading down the Chapter 11 walk to restructuring the company assets to begin hopeful turnaround? I’m not so sure that is going to happen, the turn around that is. Yes, they have done it before but that was in a total different environment. It can’t be a fun walk by the way and I do feel for everyone at

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Earth Day, What Does It Mean?

Before hitting on oil, let’s give the Earth its props today. It is Earth Day after all. The day really doesn’t get a ton of attention. Maybe if we made it a holiday that would help. Heck, the USPS would have the day off which would help them save money on their fuel budget.

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$50, $50, $50. Do We Move?

Oil Prices have taken on a new pattern called $50. Fuel price for crude oil continues to stay around $50 for the past week or so. Maybe up a little or down a little but basically $50 is the number.

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Bad Economy; Plenty of Fuel & Fuel Prices Climb?

We have a fuel surplus of 45 million barrel. That’s a lot of fuel oil. Economic data released Wednesday showed wholesalers cut their inventories in February by the steepest amount in more than 17 years as companies struggle to reduce stockpiles amid slowing sales. The Commerce Department said wholesale inventories dropped 1.5%, the most on record dating back to January

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Your Company Needs

Most of you have probably click through from our newsletter that we publish weekly. In that newsletter and even here at our blog we try not to do a lot of self promotion. After all, we are the Sokolis not Trump. We usually let our work do the talking for us. Please take a look at past blogs.

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Bailout or Bail In

It’s strange as I read the Sunday paper today. 8 total pages of the help wanted ads. Yes, that’s right 8. No, I don’t live in some area where the population is 1,500 people. This was the Philadelphia Inquirer. Philadelphia is no longer one of the top 5 largest cities in the country but I do believe we are number

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Project Earth

The Sokolis is a fuel management and consulting company with a staff of 9 professionals located in Warrington, PA. As a company we work with small and large companies nationally to help them buy, manage, audit and process their fuel better. Over the last year when fuel prices rose, we helped companies reduce their carbon footprint and how much fuel

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