Crude Crumbles

The old expression, “What goes up must come down” is happening again with crude oil. Over the past several months, we have seen a barrel of crude oil go from $107 back in June 2014 to under $65 earlier this week. And, it doesn’t look like the price of crude oil will be rebounding much higher anytime soon. Fuel purchasers

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Fuel Cards in a “Cloud”

Well not all fuel cards will be in a “cloud” and “cloud” might be a little bit off but it’s close. Comdata has come out with a fuel card that you don’t even need a card to get the diesel fuel. The card-less transactions use an RFID tag to automate the fueling process, which should decrease the amount of time

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Diesel Fuel Prices Will Go Lower Still

I spent an hour on the phone last week with one of the industry’s top futures specialist from a leading firm. Since we have clients that do work with them and I have known her for 15 years we talked about the oil market at length. Her view based upon their charts and continued Eurozone economic issues is that the

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Diesel Fuel Prices Are Falling, But Why?

It’s really hard to believe that diesel fuel prices and gas prices are falling, especially if your local gas station hasn’t lowered prices yet. Ok, I realize that MOST of us have not seen the lower fleet fueling prices at the pump yet. This is basically because most retail locations are taking their time lowering their prices—and your fueling costs.

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Are Diesel Fuel Prices Going Up?

It’s easy to take a seat on the sidelines and believe all of the things you read in the headlines about diesel fuel prices and gas prices going even higher. Of course those kinds of stories make news and help ratings. So, to answer the question in my own headline, ‘Are diesel fuel prices going up?’ – you betcha.

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Diesel Fuel Prices Go Down, But Don’t Get Hopes Up

Yes, the DOE national weekly average for diesel fuel prices went down for the first time since November 2011. But don’t get too excited about your fuel management budget because they only went down $.001. That combined with a continued increase in gas prices does not look good for your tanks. Certainly your fleet fueling program will continue to feel

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Perseverance in Fleet Fuel Management

Headlines everywhere screaming gloom and doom; uncertainty in the Middle East, shaky stock market, oil prices up again week after week after week. And to pour salt on our wounds, the EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) reported the second largest one-week increase in gasoline prices in past 20 years! This hurts the general public, but is especially painful to those

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You Don’t Need a Cape to Be A Superhero in Fleet Management

Are you a fleet manager or fuel manager? Are you the president or CFO of a fleet company concerned about your company’s bottom line, again? Are you tired of sitting on the edge of your seat, sweating, worrying and waiting for the Department of Energy to report that diesel fuel prices are up per gallon for the nth week in

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Diesel Fuel Prices Up for 10th Straight Increase — Ouch!

The Department of Energy (DOE) just released diesel fuel pricing data that has diesel fuel prices rising for the 10th straight week jumping 7.5 cents to $3.513. It’s the largest increase since December 6, 2010 early in this rise of fleet fueling prices for trucking. This increase puts the diesel fuel price 74.4 cents higher than this same time last

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