In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb?
Diesel Fuel Prices 26.6 Cents Higher Than DOE 2014 Forecast
Diesel Fuel Prices 26.6 Cents Higher Than DOE 2014 Forecast
Diesel fuel prices have been rising steadily over the past month. Most of us are accustomed to volatility in fuel prices, but they have actually been relatively stable over the past 10 months. About a year ago, diesel fuel prices were approximately 15 cents higher than where they are now. Then, the price fell rapidly during March 2013 and hovered
I’m a diesel fuel price geek, what can I say. I make my living understanding this stuff. As I was preparing to write my annual projections on diesel fuel prices, I started to wonder, is there any trend that no one is talking about? The Energy Information Administration (EIA) projected 2014 to be $3.77 a gallon, but that was only
People are creatures of habit. We wake up at the same time, eat the same breakfast, stop at the same coffee shop etc. Fueling up our vehicles is no exception. We go to the same gas station, grab a lottery ticket, pump the gas and continue on with our lives without even stopping to think about it. But what if
As we all know, none of us can predict the future. However, we can budget for the future and take out upside risk on fuel prices.
Escalating diesel fuel prices in the news are as common today as predications of upcoming winter storms. Both can take a bite out of your business. Customer cancellations, loss of production time, maintaining equipment, operating your fleet to its full potential are all contributors of ol’ man winter.
If you are a Fleet Manager, CFO, President, Owner or Purchasing Department you must have a comprehensive approach to fuel management. Yes, fuel costs are lower now than 2 years ago but they won’t always be and even if they are lower, doesn’t your company deserve a program that provides security of supply and improved economics of your fuel buying?
A recent study suggests that most fleet companies have continued to steer away from raising their drivers pay this year. This is mainly due to the US economy of course, but it’s not all bad news. About 80% of those carrier/fleet owners are expecting that they will have to raise pay as the economy recovers.
In fleet fueling there are many ways your employees can steal fuel from you. Most companies truly believe, it can’t happen to me. There theory is we have someone that spot checks that information sometimes. Our drivers make good money they would never risk losing their jobs. Why would anyone want to steal from us, we take care of our
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