DEF Gallons Grow

As more companies continue to buy new diesel fuel trucks, the strong raise of Diesel Exhaust Fluids grows.

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The Pump- August

Have you noticed the tax changes in your state? Both diesel and gasoline taxes were changed (mostly increased) in ten states effective July 1, 2013. The obvious reason for this seems to be the growing concern for the deteriorating roads and bridges across the country and the lack of additional funding coming from the federal government. I can’t speak for

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Hours of Service Ruling in, Ever Think About Mobile Fueling?

The verdict is in and the hours of service law stands up in court. What does that mean for your business? As a Fuelman, I am thinking how will it affect our clients or potential clients? We all know that safety is first and foremost when it comes to this law, but when you run your own business, it really

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What are Diesel Fuel Prices Doing?

Diesel fuel prices and gas prices are still behaving like they have for the past 10 years. In other words, nothing is stable. When you think something is going to be stable with your fleet fueling costs, it changes like the weather.

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Diesel Fuel Dips A Pinch

For 2 weeks in a row diesel fuel prices have dropped though only 1.1 cents a gallon this week and a penny a gallon last week. Diesel fuel prices nationally now stand at $3.869 a gallon.

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Fleet Fueling Thoughts

I went back over the last 4 years and even though we are a fuel management company that wants to grow our business, we also want to protect the “regular guy”. In that time, I personally, have done over 15 newsletter articles, YouTube videos, or have been a contributing writer for other publications dealing with diesel fuel audits.

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Diesel Fuel Losses Happen Everywhere

It has always been known that diesel fuel losses take place. The issue most companies always thought they had in the past is how to control diesel fuel theft with their drivers. With truck drivers running around and fleet fueling prices going up and down, fuel theft should not be a surprise. Some companies are well aware of the problem

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Pilot Flying J Truck Stops Investigated By FBI & IRS

Pilot Flying J truck stops are under investigation by the FBI and IRS. The reason for the investigation has yet to be clear by those 2 authorities. Pilot Flying J truck stops, CEO, Jimmy Haslam said in a press conference, “that the rebates that were owed to customers were not paid. We, of course, disagree with that.”

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Diesel Fuel Prices Down 6 Straight

For 6 straight weeks diesel fuel prices fell. This past week according to figures released by the Department of Energy (DOE) diesel fuel prices across the country were 1.6 cents lower to $3.977 a gallon.

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