The Pump- November

On October 1, 2013, the United States Federal government entered a shutdown that lasted just over two weeks. In that time, 800,000 employees were out of work, and a lot of others were forced to work without pay. Now that we’ve had some time to let the government shutdown sink in, let’s reflect how it affected the trucking industry.

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Does More Data Make You Smarter?

“Big Data is Dumb Data.” That phrase has really stuck with me over the past few years. Before I joined Sokolis, I spent a number of years at a company called ALC within the direct marketing industry. I recall the Chairman, Donn Rappaport, came up with that phrase as Big Data proliferated throughout the marketing industry.

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Fuel Management from a Finance Perspective

I recently joined Sokolis group and I’m very excited about the opportunity to work directly with our clients and prospects with their fleet fuel management programs. For the past 25 years, I’ve always been a finance guy in the back-office and enjoyed working with data. My career also included a number of years in the mobile fleet fueling industry. It

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DEF Gallons Grow

As more companies continue to buy new diesel fuel trucks, the strong raise of Diesel Exhaust Fluids grows.

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The Pump- August

Have you noticed the tax changes in your state? Both diesel and gasoline taxes were changed (mostly increased) in ten states effective July 1, 2013. The obvious reason for this seems to be the growing concern for the deteriorating roads and bridges across the country and the lack of additional funding coming from the federal government. I can’t speak for

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