Gearing Up in 2014

January flew by and your yearly objectives haven’t changed; but the clock has already begun to tick for 2014. Every year companies develop initiatives to drive costs out of their business. One of the top 3 objectives in most companies is lower operating cost.

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The Pump – February 2014

What a letdown for the Super Bowl! I really expected this game to be one of the best; but unless you were a Seahawks fan, it was pretty painful to watch. The matchup was the #1 offense vs. the #1 defense. Well, if we learned anything, I guess defense really does win championships.

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Not All Fuel Discounts Are Created Equal

There’s a lot more to managing fuel then just a discount. Fuel vendors want you to believe you are getting the best price possible. In most cases, a customer has no idea how they compare to another company buying the similar amount of gallons. Truth be told. Every company’s fuel buying program can be improved. Sokolis manages over 300 million

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Fuel Taxes Taking a New Route?

As a CPA, I’ve been dealing with taxes for my entire career. To be honest, it’s a part of my job that I really don’t enjoy. There are so many different tax rates and so many inconsistencies when comparing different states, or even counties within the same state. Plus, taxes are always changing! For me, it’s a never-ending battle to

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Fleet Fueling Creatures

People are creatures of habit. We wake up at the same time, eat the same breakfast, stop at the same coffee shop etc. Fueling up our vehicles is no exception. We go to the same gas station, grab a lottery ticket, pump the gas and continue on with our lives without even stopping to think about it. But what if

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Importance of Accurate Odometer Readings

How important are accurate odometer mileage readings? Many consider accurate odometer readings to be one of the most important parts of effective fuel management. Accurate mileage gives a fleet manager a much clearer picture for many important aspects of his or her fleet including vehicle repair and replacement, diesel fuel consumption and fuel economy. If a fleet manager has access

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Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a solution that when injected into the exhaust stream of a diesel engine lowers the harmful nitrogen-oxides that are emitted. Obviously using DEF is great for the environment since it reduces the release of pollutants but it also will create better fuel efficiency for your diesel fuel vehicles by creating higher oxygen levels in the

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Fleet Fueling Prices Stay Flat with Dip in Gas Prices

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the price for U.S. on-highway diesel fuel fell eight-tenths of a penny to $3.871 per gallon, the second consecutive increase. (The EIA is the statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Energy.) The national average price is 1.9% or 7.4 cents lower than at this time last year.

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