The Pump – November 2014

Winter is coming; a reference to Game of Thrones for any of you fans out there. You know the Starks would be preparing, and you should too. Think about last year and how hard it was on your trucks. I’d usually point to places in the North known for the frigid temperatures as a focal point for this topic, but

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Do You Have a “Leak” in Your Bulk Fuel Tank?

Many companies have determined that locating a bulk fuel tank in their own yard provides the most cost-effective method for their fleet fueling requirements. Bulk tanks certainly come with insurance and environmental challenges, but they can be overcome with careful planning. It’s also costly to purchase and install a bulk tank, but significant net savings may be achieved compared to

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The Pump – June 2014

What is more economical for your fleet, a purchasing card (P-card) or a fuel card? It depends on the situation and the makeup of your fleet. Are you purchasing gas or diesel, or perhaps both? Are you a local fleet or traveling over-the-road? Class 8 tractors or pickup trucks? Do you need to report information to IFTA or track transactions

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What’s the Cost of Diesel Fuel?

The average retail price of diesel fuel continues to hover near $4.00/gallon. When you look at the total retail price of diesel fuel, it’s important to understand the components of the price to know where there may be opportunities to reduce the cost.

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Are You Giving in to Status Quo?

Its 6:45PM and dinner’s on the table back home and your family is waiting, but you’re still at the office working on four different projects. Two of those projects need to be finished by Noon tomorrow. Sound familiar? That’s the business environment we live in today. Do more with less. 60+ hour work weeks. Lean initiatives. And let’s not forget

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Locked Down Fuel Networks

Years ago, companies were hesitant to direct drivers to fuel stop networks. They were fearful drivers would get upset and leave. Today we are facing the same issues we did back then. “Driver Shortage” But, a lot has changed since then. The need for a company to manage their fuel cost has become a necessity and drivers understand this more

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Crude Oil Continues Around $100

The price of crude oil has a direct correlation to diesel fuel prices. Over the past few months, crude oil has drifted above and below $100 given positive or negative information. Last week’s jobs report came out and showed strong job growth in the United States. While this is good news that more people are employed, it’s bad news for

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The Pump – March

Let’s talk about deals. What’s a deal? Think you have one? Are you happy with your deal? Some people don’t even know there are deals.

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