Is Your Fuel Quality Ready for Winter?

Winter is coming- let’s hope for the best but plan for the worst! Sokolis is committed to making sure you are receiving the highest quality fuel possible throughout the year. We always want to make sure you are paying a fair rate on your diesel prices but without quality fuel, your savings will get wiped out. That’s why we believe

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Is Now a Good Time to Outsource Your Fuel Program?

Fuel prices have been relatively stable over the last several months as supply isn’t diminishing enough and demand isn’t exactly booming either. However, as time has shown, fuel prices are extremely unpredictable. It just takes one event or change, and prices can spike or plummet. Volatility will continue in the fuel market as much as it does in the stock

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$27 Billion Loss: What Does Congestion Cost Your Fleet?

With 21 million people, the city of Lagos, Nigeria is one of the world’s busiest and fastest growing metropolitan areas. And with all those people comes a nightmarish amount of traffic. “The World’s Worst Traffic Jam,” The Atlantic Wrote in 2012. Things haven’t improved since then. Reuters profiled Lagos’ traffic congestion in December of last year, describing commuters taking three

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Fleets Reduce Cost and Save Time by Outsourcing Fuel Management

Fleet Managers can be certain of one thing; fuel price volatility. Fuel prices have been on a roller coaster that has recently been climbing after several months of significant declines. Volatility will continue into the foreseeable future which makes a Fleet Manager’s job even more difficult. Managing fuel costs to the annual budget set months ago is nearly impossible.

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Football has Deflategate, Diesel Fuel has Inflategate

January was another great month for fleets as diesel fuel prices fell sharply again. The average retail price reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration dropped by 41 cents compared to December. This was the largest decline since prices started falling back in March 2014 and, arguably, it was a bit overdue.

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You Probably Haven’t Received Your Full Share of Fuel Savings

For the past few months, we’ve all been watching the price of crude oil decline rapidly. Even when you start to think it’s going to stabilize and can’t go much lower, it goes down even further. As I write this article, a barrel of crude is now trading in the high $40’s which is less than half of where it

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Crude Crumbles

The old expression, “What goes up must come down” is happening again with crude oil. Over the past several months, we have seen a barrel of crude oil go from $107 back in June 2014 to under $65 earlier this week. And, it doesn’t look like the price of crude oil will be rebounding much higher anytime soon. Fuel purchasers

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The Pump – November 2014

Winter is coming; a reference to Game of Thrones for any of you fans out there. You know the Starks would be preparing, and you should too. Think about last year and how hard it was on your trucks. I’d usually point to places in the North known for the frigid temperatures as a focal point for this topic, but

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Do You Have a “Leak” in Your Bulk Fuel Tank?

Many companies have determined that locating a bulk fuel tank in their own yard provides the most cost-effective method for their fleet fueling requirements. Bulk tanks certainly come with insurance and environmental challenges, but they can be overcome with careful planning. It’s also costly to purchase and install a bulk tank, but significant net savings may be achieved compared to

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The Pump – June 2014

What is more economical for your fleet, a purchasing card (P-card) or a fuel card? It depends on the situation and the makeup of your fleet. Are you purchasing gas or diesel, or perhaps both? Are you a local fleet or traveling over-the-road? Class 8 tractors or pickup trucks? Do you need to report information to IFTA or track transactions

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