Are You Fueling Good Today?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised its vehicle testing procedures in 2006 to help better reflect how people really drive in current conditions. The way you drive any vehicle affects how much fleet fuel you use, if you didn’t know. These new testing methods – whose results took effect with the 2008 model year – include factors such as

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File It

Despite the best of intentions, most of us don’t use good information management practices, the mountain of paperwork piles up on top of us like an avalanche, and beyond that there are PC files, emails and SMS messages to organize too.

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A Time To Save

With a bad economy and taxes on a rise everyone is looking for ways to save money. Many try to cut back on non essentials such as going out to eat, the movies, and shopping. But what can you do when it comes to necessities, such as fuel? At Sokolis one of our goals is to help our fleet fuel

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Show Me the Diesel

The popularity and availability of clean diesel is growing. The recent growth in availability of diesel at local filling stations should come with no surprise given that more consumers are turning to diesel for their cars, pickups and SUV’s. Nearly half, 42 percent, of all retail sites in the U.S. today offer diesel fuel.

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Clean Up Your Fuel Management Program, I Mean Your Desk

When your desk is disorganized and cluttered, it can be difficult to focus on your work. The same holds true for your fleet fueling program. Do you have any fuel deals, do you know what they are? Do yourself a favor and clean it up, your desk that is. Do yourself a bigger favor and hire Sokolis to help you

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What’s Going On??

What’s going on? That’s a pretty broad question. A lot is going on would be a pretty simple answer. If you’re talking about the economy, well the unemployment rate took a small dip from 10 percent to 9.7 percent. That’s the lowest rate since August 2009. If you’re talking about the trucking industry, for-hire trucking companies added 2,500 workers in

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Poor Neglected Biodiesel

Toward the end of 2009 the Senate had its last few sessions and decided to focus its energy on Health Care Reform and neglected to address the extension of the Biodiesel tax credit, which expired on January 1st. Failure to extend the credit would not only effect the production of the clean burning fuel but would also lose near 23,000

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