Who’s Moving My Diesel Fuel Prices

Yes, diesel fuel prices have gone up 12 straight weeks and will probably go up several more weeks but what has caused this? We all know that it has been a very cold winter, so we have had a diesel fuel supply issue to start. Out of a barrel of crude oil, it only produces 25% of heating oil or

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Expect the Unexpected For Diesel Fuel Prices and Gas Prices

I was going to write an article on Friday about what happened to all of those people, who way back when, predicted $100 a barrel for crude oil and increased diesel fuel prices and gas prices right along with it. In fact, I admit, I was one of those people. Wasn’t almost everyone? Well, many things have happened since then.

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Oil prices rise as Middle East clashes continue

I wouldn’t expect your fleet fueling prices to fall anytime soon. China ordered banks to hold back more money as reserves in its latest move to control inflation. The government has used a series of interest rate hikes and increases in reserve levels in an effort to slow inflation in its robust economy. This kind of stuff usually helps the

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You Don’t Need a Cape to Be A Superhero in Fleet Management

Are you a fleet manager or fuel manager? Are you the president or CFO of a fleet company concerned about your company’s bottom line, again? Are you tired of sitting on the edge of your seat, sweating, worrying and waiting for the Department of Energy to report that diesel fuel prices are up per gallon for the nth week in

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Fleet Fueling for Gas Prices Hit Highs

Diesel fuel prices have been climbing and the trucking industry has felt that over the last few months. We all have seen gas prices go up but how much has it been. Let’s call it a new gas price high for the past 28 months. For simple economic here is a new one, supply is good and demand is weak

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Diesel Fuel Prices Up for 10th Straight Increase — Ouch!

The Department of Energy (DOE) just released diesel fuel pricing data that has diesel fuel prices rising for the 10th straight week jumping 7.5 cents to $3.513. It’s the largest increase since December 6, 2010 early in this rise of fleet fueling prices for trucking. This increase puts the diesel fuel price 74.4 cents higher than this same time last

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Rising fueling costs can leave you feeling left out in the cold

Escalating diesel fuel prices in the news are as common today as predications of upcoming winter storms. Both can take a bite out of your business. Customer cancellations, loss of production time, maintaining equipment, operating your fleet to its full potential are all contributors of ol’ man winter.

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Fleet Management Issues Keeping Rolling On As Diesel Fuel Prices Increase

Yes, we all know diesel fuel prices are killing your fleet management budget. For you fleet managers, diesel fuel prices are just hitting your fleet fueling costs it is also starting to increase other costs associated with petroleum products. Bridgestone Tire for example just increased a 12% increase in fleet companies tire cost effective immediately. Why? Increased costs in raw

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Diesel Fuel Prices Up Again, Diesel Fuel Prices Up Again

Do we sound like a broken record now that diesel fuel prices have gone up nine straight weeks. The cost for your fleet fueling didn’t hurt as much this week with only a .8 cent increase to $3.438 a gallon nationwide. It does make diesel fuel prices 65 cents higher than this time last year. Ouch. Listen here fellow fueling

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Diesel Fuel Prices Raise, You Need A Fleet Fueling Policy

I was just talking to a client earlier this week and he was letting me know that his diesel fuel prices were up 23% since this time last year. He was thankful that his fuel management program with us was in place but for those of you that don’t, time to start reading about a fleet fueling policy. Most fleet

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