Go Green and Save Green

When December comes around it’s all about holiday cheer for most people, and even here at Sokolis we spread the joy. Green is our favorite color. Whether it’s our company’s Ford Fusion Hybrid car, or putting up an artificial tree at our office and even homes, we like being green. The environment is important, and we try to be proactive

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Checking it Twice!

Tired of not having the time to check more into those fleet fuel invoices? Are you just signing off on them to get them off your desk? You really should be checking them twice! What about those fuel taxes that you are being charged on those fleet fuel invoices; are they correct? There are countless deferred and non-deferred fuel taxes

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Could This Be You?

When you’ve been in the fleet fuel management and fuel consulting business as long as we collectively have here at Sokolis, and seen as many fuel transactions as we have seen, almost nothing surprises us. But it may surprise you.

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Preventing Fuel Theft

With unsteady fuel prices it’s no wonder that fuel theft is rising and not all of it is from an outside thief. Many of the fuel thefts are in house thru managers, drivers and other company employees. Some of these ways are as simple as taking a few gallons at a time and selling them to a third party, others

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It’s a Turkey, No it’s Fuel Prices

What is going on with these roller coaster fuel prices? Doesn’t anyone care that fuel management is difficult enough without all of these crazy swings when doing your fuel planning. The fuel experts (not fuel management experts) say growing world oil use will likely outpace the rate of new supplies in 2010, eroding the huge stockpiles of crude which have

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Fuel Management, Who are you?

As the President of Sokolis a fuel management and fuel consulting firm, I am always asked to advertise in trade magazines, news journals and other publications. Over the years we have tried a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it really hasn’t worked. Most marketing gurus might say you haven’t stuck with something long enough

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It’s Fuel Planning & Fuel Inventory Silly

Who moved my fuel planning to another calendar? Last Thursday the Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the inventory levels for all products, gas, heating oil (diesel fuel) and crude oil all increased. Crude oil increased 1.8 million barrels for the week. This of course sent the fuel prices down on NYMEX and caused havoc to proper fleet fuel planning

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Fall & Winter Safety Tips

With winter pulling up to the front door in the northern part of the country it brings a time to remind ourselves that the season brings with it special considerations for safety. I know as a fuel management and fuel consulting why don’t you just talk about fuel buying or something. Relax! There is a strong tie into fleet fuel.

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Knowing People in the Social Network, Good Fuel U?

In 1999 a new word was added to the dictionary according to merriam-webster.com that word was ‘blog’. Notably word ‘network’ has been around since the 1530’s. What happens when those two worlds come together? We get even newer words like Facebook, LinkedIn and while Twitter is not a new word, there is a new meaning. All these network applications are

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Fuel Price Future, Maybe high, Maybe low

Talking about your wild road trips, how about the trip that fuel prices are on these days. No, no they’re not crazy, crazy like the summer of 2008 but they just move on any little noise. Like a deer in the woods.

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