4 Expert Tips to Develop an Effective Fuel Procurement Strategy
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
By monitoring the diesel spot price, you can find opportunities to buy diesel at a low cost. Learn more in this blog post.
Discover how biodiesel fuel can help you reduce emissions, save money and reach your sustainability goals.
Learn how to avoid three costly mistakes when buying fuel in bulk, from ignoring fuel data to focusing on the price.
Efficient fuel programs help businesses save money, comply with regulations, and stay competitive. To improve your fuel program, you should understand market trends, as well as set clear goals for your organization.
With fuel prices at or near record highs, HDT Talks Trucking looks at how fleets can save money beyond better fuel mileage. Glen Sokolis is CEO of Sokolis, a company he founded nearly 20 years ago to help fleets save money on fuel. On this episode of the HDT Talks Trucking video podcast, Editor in Chief Deborah Lockridge talks to
Fuel prices have been increasing rapidly over the last several months. Just one event or change can cause prices to spike or plummet. Volatility will continue in the fuel market as much as it does in the stock market, which can keep whoever is managing your fleet’s fuel program up at night.
Time is money, how many times have we all heard that? We all know it’s true, particularly when it comes to fleet management. The recent changes to the Hours of Service (HOS) regulations have definitely created some challenges for companies that need to maximize their drivers’ productivity.
If you use propane to power forklifts in your operations, or other alternative fuels in your fleet, there may be an opportunity to file a Federal excise tax claim for a credit or refund related to the fuel used during 2017.
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