Are You Fueling Good Today?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised its vehicle testing procedures in 2006 to help better reflect how people really drive in current conditions. The way you drive any vehicle affects how much fleet fuel you use, if you didn’t know. These new testing methods – whose results took effect with the 2008 model year – include factors such as

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Going Green: A Good Resolution

With a struggling economy, holiday season in full swing, fuel management and finding ways to go green may not be on the top of your to do list; but with the new year fast approaching it should be one of your New Year’s Resolutions, for a good fuel management program may help you make your fleet fuel budget. It may

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Twelve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Eleven fleet fueling locations Ten fuel managers in need Nine alternative fuel products, Eight fuel buying buyers Seven fleet fuel auditors Six fuel dispensing islands, Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards, And a fuel management company for

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Tis the season of giving…

Just this week I happily mailed to my client a $797 refund check obtained from their fleet fuel supplier. Last month, I happily mailed to the same client another refund check in the amount of $615 from the same fleet fuel supplier. Both refunds were the result of daily fuel audits that caught fuel pricing errors.

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Twelve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards, And a fuel management company for me

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Checking it Twice!

Tired of not having the time to check more into those fleet fuel invoices? Are you just signing off on them to get them off your desk? You really should be checking them twice! What about those fuel taxes that you are being charged on those fleet fuel invoices; are they correct? There are countless deferred and non-deferred fuel taxes

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The Twelve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Twelve fleet fuel management employees, Eleven fleet fueling locations, Ten fuel managers in need Nine alternative fuel products, Eight fuel buying buyers Seven fleet fuel auditors. Six fuel dispensing islands, Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fleet Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards,

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Time is Money

When you’re talking fuel management or fueling your own car, isn’t your time worth something? I stopped the other day to fill up my Honda Accord with gasoline. It was a little busy at the Shell station, though it was 2:30 in the afternoon and regular gasoline was $2.799 a gallon.

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Fuel Management, Who are you?

As the President of Sokolis a fuel management and fuel consulting firm, I am always asked to advertise in trade magazines, news journals and other publications. Over the years we have tried a little bit of this and a little bit of that and it really hasn’t worked. Most marketing gurus might say you haven’t stuck with something long enough

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