Twelve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Eleven fleet fueling locations Ten fuel managers in need Nine alternative fuel products, Eight fuel buying buyers Seven fleet fuel auditors Six fuel dispensing islands, Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards, And a fuel management company for

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The Tweleve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Ten fuel managers in need, Nine alternative fuel products, Eight fuel buying buyers Seven fleet fuel auditors Six fuel dispensing islands, Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards, And a fuel management company for me

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Tis the season of giving…

Just this week I happily mailed to my client a $797 refund check obtained from their fleet fuel supplier. Last month, I happily mailed to the same client another refund check in the amount of $615 from the same fleet fuel supplier. Both refunds were the result of daily fuel audits that caught fuel pricing errors.

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Santa Does Fuel Management

Ok, not exactly but let me tell you a story. The other day this fuel consultant was asked to be Santa Claus for a family reunion. Without thinking much about that day, I said sure, why not. I thought quickly in my head, I never played Santa Claus and playing in front of 20 kids under the age of 14

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Twelve Days of Sokolis Christmas

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Five fuel consulting experts, Four mobile fleet fueling companies, Three Fuel planning programs, Two fleet fueling cards, And a fuel management company for me

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Go Green and Save Green

When December comes around it’s all about holiday cheer for most people, and even here at Sokolis we spread the joy. Green is our favorite color. Whether it’s our company’s Ford Fusion Hybrid car, or putting up an artificial tree at our office and even homes, we like being green. The environment is important, and we try to be proactive

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Time is Money

When you’re talking fuel management or fueling your own car, isn’t your time worth something? I stopped the other day to fill up my Honda Accord with gasoline. It was a little busy at the Shell station, though it was 2:30 in the afternoon and regular gasoline was $2.799 a gallon.

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Could This Be You?

When you’ve been in the fleet fuel management and fuel consulting business as long as we collectively have here at Sokolis, and seen as many fuel transactions as we have seen, almost nothing surprises us. But it may surprise you.

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It’s a Turkey, No it’s Fuel Prices

What is going on with these roller coaster fuel prices? Doesn’t anyone care that fuel management is difficult enough without all of these crazy swings when doing your fuel planning. The fuel experts (not fuel management experts) say growing world oil use will likely outpace the rate of new supplies in 2010, eroding the huge stockpiles of crude which have

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