Perseverance in Fleet Fuel Management

Headlines everywhere screaming gloom and doom; uncertainty in the Middle East, shaky stock market, oil prices up again week after week after week. And to pour salt on our wounds, the EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) reported the second largest one-week increase in gasoline prices in past 20 years! This hurts the general public, but is especially painful to those

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Fleet Management Issues Keeping Rolling On As Diesel Fuel Prices Increase

Yes, we all know diesel fuel prices are killing your fleet management budget. For you fleet managers, diesel fuel prices are just hitting your fleet fueling costs it is also starting to increase other costs associated with petroleum products. Bridgestone Tire for example just increased a 12% increase in fleet companies tire cost effective immediately. Why? Increased costs in raw

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Diesel Fuel Prices Keep Inching Up

I know diesel fuel prices that is all we talk about lately but we aren’t the only ones talking about fueling. In FleetOwner, Sean Kilcarr wrote this below about diesel fuel prices.

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Proposed Fuel Tax Increase

Our roads and highways are our major means of transporting goods, providing service, and keeping our fleets moving and our business operating. Our highways need to be maintained and safe for drivers. The funds, which pay for roads, bridges, and transportation projects, come from the Federal Transportation Trust Fund.

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Desktop Management

Many of us spend long hours at our desks, so to help make the workday comfortable and productive it helps to create an environment conducive to clear thinking. By establishing a good desk environment you are guaranteed to improve your efficiency and achieve more in your day.

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Low Risks; High Reward$

The National on-highway average price for diesel fuel was $3.069 at the end of April 12th. That’s the highest average since November 2008 and I don’t think any of us will forget what those months were like in 2008. Most reports indicate that prices are only on the rise even into 2011. Diesel will average somewhere around $2.98 this year,

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