6 Truck Driving Habits to Improve Your Mileage

When you’re driving all the time, what seems like ‘perfectly normal’ fuel prices for everyone else can stack up to a really large expense. Fleets with trucks are among the largest fuel consumers in the modern world no matter how much you optimize your vehicles, your policies, and your shipping routes. At that point, it’s up to the drivers to

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It’s Tax Season! Are You Paying the Correct Fuel Taxes?

Many fleet managers, controllers, and CFOs might be surprised if they discovered they were overpaying fuel invoices because they included line items disguised as government taxes and fees.  At Sokolis, we‘re not surprised because we see this happen frequently.  Prior to becoming a Sokolis client, these companies typically just signed off on fuel invoices that contained “special” taxes or environmental fees.

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Introducing The Fleet Manager’s Guide to Bigger Bonuses

We’ve been in the business of finding savings for fleet managers for 13 years now. And in that time, one thing we’ve heard again and again is that their efforts to find savings is one of the key factors on which they’re assessed. For some, the ability to cut costs is often what decides whether they get a year-end bonus.

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What’s the Cost of Diesel Fuel?

The average retail price of diesel fuel continues to hover near $4.00/gallon. When you look at the total retail price of diesel fuel, it’s important to understand the components of the price to know where there may be opportunities to reduce the cost.

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Are You Giving in to Status Quo?

Its 6:45PM and dinner’s on the table back home and your family is waiting, but you’re still at the office working on four different projects. Two of those projects need to be finished by Noon tomorrow. Sound familiar? That’s the business environment we live in today. Do more with less. 60+ hour work weeks. Lean initiatives. And let’s not forget

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Fleet Fueling Creatures

People are creatures of habit. We wake up at the same time, eat the same breakfast, stop at the same coffee shop etc. Fueling up our vehicles is no exception. We go to the same gas station, grab a lottery ticket, pump the gas and continue on with our lives without even stopping to think about it. But what if

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Fleet Fueling Prices Stay Flat with Dip in Gas Prices

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that the price for U.S. on-highway diesel fuel fell eight-tenths of a penny to $3.871 per gallon, the second consecutive increase. (The EIA is the statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Energy.) The national average price is 1.9% or 7.4 cents lower than at this time last year.

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Diesel Fuel Prices Fall Slightly for December 9, 2013

The DOE reported the national cost for diesel fuel prices fell four-tenths of a penny to $3.879 a gallon. After coming off 2 straight weeks of increases it’s nice to see a fall back. The national average diesel fuel cost is 11.2 cents lower than a year ago at this time.

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Is Fleet Fueling Free Falling?

Look for your fleet fueling prices of diesel fuel prices and gas prices to take a turn down over the next couple of weeks. A lot of action is happening in the oil world. Fuel prices were falling several dollars a barrel already this week which is good news to your fuel management programs. Then what I believe was a

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