Do You Qualify for a Fuel Tax Refund?

Throughout the year, Sokolis must update its records for all of the changes made to fuel taxes. It’s a tedious task to sift through the information scattered across the internet for each state. Even though there are web sites that consolidate fuel tax rates in one place, identifying potential exemptions takes more research than just glancing at summarized data. That

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The Future of Fuel Taxes – What Might Happen as Trucks Become More Efficient

Traditionally, state governments have funded road construction through taxes on fuel. As vehicles become more efficient, though, the income from fuel tax is affected, with long-term concerns that it might eventually become insufficient. An increase in electric cars – and the introduction of electric trucks (Tesla recently unveiled an electric semi-truck) is starting to cause revenues to drop. With more

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What’s the Cost of Diesel Fuel?

The average retail price of diesel fuel continues to hover near $4.00/gallon. When you look at the total retail price of diesel fuel, it’s important to understand the components of the price to know where there may be opportunities to reduce the cost.

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Fuel Taxes Taking a New Route?

As a CPA, I’ve been dealing with taxes for my entire career. To be honest, it’s a part of my job that I really don’t enjoy. There are so many different tax rates and so many inconsistencies when comparing different states, or even counties within the same state. Plus, taxes are always changing! For me, it’s a never-ending battle to

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Which Way Will Diesel Fuel Go! Probably Several Ways!

I’m a diesel fuel price geek, what can I say. I make my living understanding this stuff. As I was preparing to write my annual projections on diesel fuel prices, I started to wonder, is there any trend that no one is talking about? The Energy Information Administration (EIA) projected 2014 to be $3.77 a gallon, but that was only

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States Need Revenue Diesel Fuel & Gas Taxes Going Higher

While states struggle to keep up with increased demand on their highway infrastructure, people buying diesel fuel and gas are going to pay. In the latest news, the state of Virginia has passed a law that goes into effect July 1, 2013 that will raise diesel fuel taxes and gas taxes.

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