It’s Tax Season! Are You Paying the Correct Fuel Taxes?

Many fleet managers, controllers, and CFOs might be surprised if they discovered they were overpaying fuel invoices because they included line items disguised as government taxes and fees.  At Sokolis, we‘re not surprised because we see this happen frequently.  Prior to becoming a Sokolis client, these companies typically just signed off on fuel invoices that contained “special” taxes or environmental fees.

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Are The Fuel Markets Stable?

Why should stability be a precursor to instability? A recent article in the Washington Post referred to the economist, Hyman Minsky, who explained, “Financial stability is destabilizing. The longer markets are calm, the more people plan on them staying that way. People take bigger risks and take on bigger debt because it doesn’t seem like anything can go wrong —

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Locked Down Fuel Networks

Years ago, companies were hesitant to direct drivers to fuel stop networks. They were fearful drivers would get upset and leave. Today we are facing the same issues we did back then. “Driver Shortage” But, a lot has changed since then. The need for a company to manage their fuel cost has become a necessity and drivers understand this more

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Do Rising Fuel Prices Make Your Fuel Supplier Smile?

Diesel fuel prices have been rising steadily over the past month. Most of us are accustomed to volatility in fuel prices, but they have actually been relatively stable over the past 10 months. About a year ago, diesel fuel prices were approximately 15 cents higher than where they are now. Then, the price fell rapidly during March 2013 and hovered

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Fuel Cards for Fleet Management

Fuel cards or fleet cards are payment methods for purchasing fuel at truck stops. These fleet cards can also be used to pay for various maintenance/expenses on vehicles in a fleet management.

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