The Pump- April 2014

I recently attended the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) annual conference in Dallas less than two weeks ago. This was the first time Sokolis had participated. It was also the first time I’ve ever been in Texas and what they say about everything being bigger held true. The conference had a pretty good turnout. It wasn’t the biggest I’ve been to

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The Pump – March

Let’s talk about deals. What’s a deal? Think you have one? Are you happy with your deal? Some people don’t even know there are deals.

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The Humming Sound of Winter

A winter power outage is no picnic – especially during a sub-zero arctic blackout. A standby generator is a great insurance policy against spending the night in a crowded hotel or, worse yet, a relative’s house. A generator is a handy item for many purposes. If you were one of the lucky ones as I was you were without power

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Are You Overpaying Taxes on Fuel?

Periodically throughout the year, Sokolis gathers all of the changes made to taxes charged for fuel. It’s a tedious task to sift through the information scattered across the internet for each state. Even though there are web sites that consolidate fuel tax rates in one place, identifying potential exemptions takes more research than just glancing at summarized data. That usually

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The Pump – February 2014

What a letdown for the Super Bowl! I really expected this game to be one of the best; but unless you were a Seahawks fan, it was pretty painful to watch. The matchup was the #1 offense vs. the #1 defense. Well, if we learned anything, I guess defense really does win championships.

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Not All Fuel Discounts Are Created Equal

There’s a lot more to managing fuel then just a discount. Fuel vendors want you to believe you are getting the best price possible. In most cases, a customer has no idea how they compare to another company buying the similar amount of gallons. Truth be told. Every company’s fuel buying program can be improved. Sokolis manages over 300 million

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Fuel Taxes Taking a New Route?

As a CPA, I’ve been dealing with taxes for my entire career. To be honest, it’s a part of my job that I really don’t enjoy. There are so many different tax rates and so many inconsistencies when comparing different states, or even counties within the same state. Plus, taxes are always changing! For me, it’s a never-ending battle to

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Which Way Will Diesel Fuel Go! Probably Several Ways!

I’m a diesel fuel price geek, what can I say. I make my living understanding this stuff. As I was preparing to write my annual projections on diesel fuel prices, I started to wonder, is there any trend that no one is talking about? The Energy Information Administration (EIA) projected 2014 to be $3.77 a gallon, but that was only

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The Pump – January 2014

Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and stayed safe. It was a little weird this year with Christmas and New Year’s landing on a Wednesday. Either you were very productive those two weeks since there weren’t a lot of people distracting you, or you just scrapped them and called it vacation!

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