Bailout or Bail In

It’s strange as I read the Sunday paper today. 8 total pages of the help wanted ads. Yes, that’s right 8. No, I don’t live in some area where the population is 1,500 people. This was the Philadelphia Inquirer. Philadelphia is no longer one of the top 5 largest cities in the country but I do believe we are number 6. I think most people read though a fair amount of print has gone to the Internet over the years and we only have one major paper in the area.

I have never, luckily needed a job in my adult life but have always looked at the help wanted section, mostly under drivers. To me the drivers section always told several things, how well is the economy doing: more driver jobs the more the country was growing, since drivers are needed as part of many different industries it always told me if one sector was growing more than another sector. Mostly, I read them to look for leads. See when you do business with mostly companies that use transportation the drivers help wants are a great place to find leads to grow your business.

Now, as a country we are headed down a path to spend $850 billion dollars to get this economy moving. Don’t get me wrong, I have my political views and I am a fan of the President. I believe that for years before the Bush #2 years, Clinton era, Bush 1 and even Reagan time we have built toward this time period. Borrow and spend, borrow and spend. The country did it, the American people did it, you might be one of them. Repay debt, that was always thought that it would come later. Everyone needed the new house or new car, you know to keep up with the Jones or Smith’s or because you worked hard you deserved it.

As long as that stock market was mostly moving in the right direction we didn’t care. We all watched company’s try to out do each other, part of the time they did it illegally (Arthur Anderson, World Com, Enron all of these banks now. Car companies making more cars than people need or the right kind of car. You mean we can send a man to the moon 40 years ago and we still can’t get a car to be depended on gas? Please.

I look forward that soon, I will pick up that Sunday help wanted section and still not need a job and it will be 30 pages. The economy will be running and we will all be in a better place.

The Sokolis is a Fuel Management & Fuel Consulting company that helps companies reduce their cost of fuel, with fuel discounts, fuel rebates, fuel advise, fuel programs they can be reached at or (267) 482-6155.
