Oh No Snow, Fill Up For Good Fuel Management

If you live in almost anywhere in the East/Northeast your fleet companies trucks better had its fueling done before Sunday night for good fuel management. I was fueling my car on Sunday. Why? Everything takes longer in the snow when it comes to fleet fueling or fuel companies delivering. The roads are a mess, the fueling islands are a mess, let’s just say everything is a mess when it comes to heavy snow.

As diesel fuel prices continue to increase, I am sure we will see DOE National diesel fuel prices increase when the numbers come out later today; you need to have your fleet fueling game face on with this snow. The last thing a fleet companies truck want to do is slide or get stuck going into a fueling spot. This is all part of your fleet management code blue prep plan isn’t it. High diesel fuel prices, who cares your truck need fueling before the snow, so fill it up. Make sure everything is ready to go. Your fleet management solutions need a lot more things to worry about besides fueling so check that off the list.

It’s very cold. Remember your fleet fueling of diesel fuel only cares about the temperature; wind chill of minus 5 has no effect on the fuel or your truck. Wind chill is a measurement of what the temperature and wind feel on a persons skin not a truck or your diesel. Hopefully as part of your fuel management system you had a good diesel fuel additives program put in place. Your fleet fueling will freeze in this type of temperature if you have water within your fleet fueling system or if you have no diesel fuel additives in your fueling operation.

Diesel fuel prices are one thing, the one thing you don’t want to be today nor should I say tonight is a fuel companies, mobile fueling operation. When it comes to mobile fueling in this type of weather it is brutal out there while fleet fueling. Even worse is the fact that parking lots are much smaller because of the snow mounds so your mobile fueling supplier had his hands full. Climbing mounds of snow to get to truck to do is fleet fueling job. No room between one truck and another truck so they have to squeeze between trucks to do mobile fueling. If they don’t you can be sure that fleet managers will be calling the next day and wonder out loud why fueling didn’t take place on their trucks from the night before. Fleet managers understand the difficulties of fueling but they also know that they don’t want their drivers to stuff additional delays by having to use their fleet cards – fuel cards to stop as part of the fleet management solutions. The fleet managers know their drivers have a hard enough time to make deliveries in the snow and can’t afford higher diesel fuel prices, fueling not taking place as part of their mobile fueling service and now to worry if they will get any fuel savings when their drivers are using fuel cards, fleet cards or fuel credit credits at places that might not be familiar to the drivers.

Most important for thing everyone during this snowy holiday season is to Be Safe. The snow will go away, diesel fuel prices will do what they will, your mobile fueling company will do their best and your fuel management in this weather will do its best.
