Quality Customer Service In Fuel Management

If you think your business is simply put, “just to sell your product or service”, then you’re mistaken. Your real business is to serve and keep customers. For large fleet companies, for mobile fueling companies, and even for our own fuel management company it’s important to keep current customers while potentially bringing on new clients that need fleet management solutions.

For most companies 80% of sales come from just 20% of customers; which is why customer retention is a big deal. The best way to keep your clients happy is with exceptional customer service. There are certain things you should remember and use if not already for your company to succeed in this ever important category.

People, not the company serve your customers. For us our customers want fleet cards, diesel fuel additive, mobile fueling, fleet management, fuel cards to lower their diesel fuel prices and have fuel savings. It is very important that we train them well. Your employees are only as good as you’ve trained them, but their personalities and outlook on their jobs need to be high also. Their interaction with your clients is the main source of your customer service. Keep it personal by calling the client by their name when you speak to them so they know you recognize them and value their business. Use kindness and provide additional ideas and thoughts. Since our clients might not always be thinking about fleet fuel, we make sure we alert them that winter is coming and diesel fuel additive might be a good idea or their fleet management programs internally aren’t as good as what we have seen from other clients. Something to live and die by for your company is “the customer is always right”. If not now more than ever in this economy it’s important to give your customers the benefit of the doubt to keep their business. Lastly make sure you understand the customer’s opinions. You can do this by having cards at your register for them to fill out with a few questions such as: what do you like about us or how could we improve or make a change? Or even by including a short questionnaire with their next statement.

Our company is small and unique. We help fleet managers of small to large trucking companies control their diesel fuel prices. We provide fuel analysis and monitor all of their fleet fuel cards purchases, while assuring they’re paying the lowest prices possible to get fuel savings. Being a small company with a unique service makes customer service even more important. To lose one or two clients in the same year could be drastic and give my boss white hair fast. Luckily so far we’ve prided ourselves in not only our services, but also our customers.
