A Time To Save

With a bad economy and taxes on a rise everyone is looking for ways to save money. Many try to cut back on non essentials such as going out to eat, the movies, and shopping. But what can you do when it comes to necessities, such as fuel? At Sokolis one of our goals is to help our fleet fuel clients save money on that necesssity.

Just recently Sokolis was doing a fuel audit on one of our client’s invoices and caught a fuel pricing error which saved our client $774.09. About 7% of all fuel invoices contain a mistake on price, gallons, taxes or service fee. Who is auditing your fuel invoices?

While doing a fuel analysis for another one of our fleet fuel clients we realized two discounts that Sokolis put in place were not coming across on the fuel transactions. After getting in touch with the merchants and solving the problem a rebate check was issued for over $2,000 to our client. Without Sokolis our client would not have saved that money. Just image how much we could save for you.

Contact Sokolis and start saving today! Your fuel management experts, helping clients in bad and good economies lower fleet fuel cost, negotiate fleet fuel prices, perform fuel audits, consolidate fleet fuel purchases to eliminate the back office mess. Got Fuel? We got fuel solutions! 267-482-6155 or www.fuelmanagementsokolisgroup.com.
