No matter if you are an individual preparing your annual income tax returns or employers filing their quarterly returns, taxes are a requirement and can be complex and difficult.
This difficult task may require some to hire a professional to ensure the job gets done correctly and accurately.
Sokolis are not tax professionals. Nonetheless, the fuel audit process preformed by Sokolis for our clients has resulted in a vendor refund in the amount of $3,940 due to improperly billed county taxes.
Sokolis is a team of professionals dedicated to ensure our clients are receiving the best possible fuel price in today’s market.
Sokolis offers fuel consulting, vendor management, accurate analysis of your current fuel suppliers invoices and will put in place fuel vendors who are the best fit for your fleet management organization.
Do you have an in-house team of dedicated individuals overseeing your fuel purchases ensuring the best possible price?
Sokolis can help you achieve fuel savings, call one of our fleet fuel specialists today at 267-482-6155 or