Ways to Save Energy without Really Trying

As summer is just around the corner and the weather is heating up we turn to the AC to keep us cool. Here are 7 simple ways to save energy without having to cut back on air conditioning, courtesy of Smartpower.org

  • Air Dry Beach Towels
    • Using a beach towel to dry off after a refreshing swim does not mean the towel is dirty. Instead of throwing it into the laundry, toss the towel over the porch railing to air dry. Beach towels are much thicker than regular towels and therefore require more energy to dry.
  • Take Shorter Showers
    • We have all heard this one a million times but it really does work. Taking a shorter shower means less hot water you will be using which means less energy used to heat the water for an extended period of time.
  • Unplug Your TV
    • All plugged in electronics constantly suck energy even when they are turned off. A simple solution is to plug all electronics into power strips and turn off the power strip when not being used.
  • Get Rid of Old Refrigerators
    • Refrigerators each year keep getting more energy efficient, which is great!! The problem is instead of recycling the old refrigerator we tend to move them to the garage or basement; this is now using twice the energy.
  • Turn Off Your Computers
    • Sleep mode does not mean your computer is turned off. If your computer is plugged in it is using energy no matter what mode the computer is in. Turn off and unplug your computer completely!!
  • Weather Strip Your Doors
    • If you want to keep your air conditioning inside your house make sure that all windows and doors have the proper seal. More important, keep all windows and door closed when the air is turned on.
  • Get Your Water Heater Checked
    • Have your water heater set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. (Most homes are set at 140) Lowering your water heater by 10 degrees can save you 3 to 5 percent in energy cost.

Contact Sokolis and let us know what you are doing to save energy. www.Sokolisgoup.com or 267-482-6155.
