Add Excitement to your Web Meetings

Over the last few months, Sokolis have done several web meeting on fuel management, fuel planning, carbon footprints, fuel hedging and fleet fuel card as part of our fuel consulting. We have had some pitfalls along the way. See, as fuel consultants we do our job very well, but web meetings are something new for the Sokolis and we are learning along the way. Here are a few things that we have learned that clients have provided us positive feedback on:

*Calls can get boring and are hard to follow so make sure you have a lot of colorful charts, slides presentation to keep your audience’s attention

*Use the public chat feature to provide additional insight and get feedback. We have found this tool very useful. It is a way of finding out what the audience is thinking without interupting the speaker

*Create movement on the screen with charts moving, color changes and other items being highlighted. If you want to get your point across you have to keep your audience entertained

*Very similar to chat feature, use instant surveys while the meeting is going on. By the time the meeting is over you will be able to report the results if you want

*Be on top of the technical issues. We have had a couple of minor disasters with having too many people on the line at once, along with cross talk. It takes practice to get this stuff right.

The Sokolis are not web meeting experts we are fuel management experts but hopefully these tips will help you for the next meeting you have. You might have the best subject matter there is about your topic or fuel planning, fleet fuel cards but if your presentation isn’t interesting and professional, your time as well as your audiences time will be wasted.

How Are You Fueling Today? We are Feeling Good, only 25 more days to Christmas.

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