Santa Does Fuel Management

Ok, not exactly but let me tell you a story. The other day this fuel consultant was asked to be Santa Claus for a family reunion. Without thinking much about that day, I said sure, why not. I thought quickly in my head, I never played Santa Claus and playing in front of 20 kids under the age of 14 years old sounds like fuel, I mean fun. Fleet fuel and fun, you readers know I sometimes get the two confused. Anyway, as the day came closer, I started to think ‘what bigger role could you play but good old Saint Nick’. As one of the leading national fuel consulting companies in the country, I am asked a lot to guest speak and every time it is an honor and pleasure, please keep asking. I reflected, yes talking fleet fueling, fuel management and fleet fuel card planning to hundreds of people is rewarding and hopefully for them educational. What about being Santa and listening to all of their hopes, dreams and things they want. A few wrong words and you could really mess with a kids mind while playing Santa. Maybe I over thought the idea or maybe not (probably over thought it because well that’s Glen Sokolis), I guess we won’t know. As I put the red suit on it was exciting. Not the kind of excitement I get when Sokolis signs a new fuel management client but a different kind of excitement.

Pleasure, pure pleasure is how I would descript my Santa time. Kids hugging this fuel consultant nut, not knowing Santa does fuel management during the day and plays this red and white costume gig once in a lifetime. I can’t tell you all of the things kids asked for because that would be against the Santa Clause in sharing private information. I can tell you in was a very good time and when I left the room, I could have sworn I heard a reindeer say, “Good job fuel consultant Santa, I will glide you fuel planning anytime!”

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